It is true that 'Donald Dumpf' is not a particularly attractive name; its overtones of 'dumb', 'dumpster' and Donald Duck are unfortunate, and its real meaning is 'dull' . But if you are going to go to all the trouble of changing it, and disappoint your ancestors (wherever they may be serving time, or buried in unmarked or shallow graves ) who would have loved to have seen the family name emblazoned on building sites across NYC and beyond (not to mention planes, hotels, resorts, golf courses - and even a 'University') then why choose TRUMP, which is a synonym for flatulence, Worse yet, it lends itself, anagrammatically speaking, to the alternative form, MR TUP, though admittedly that economically serves as name, nickname, job description, and main hobby, if you are to believed:
Sick of the sight and sound of Mr Tup? Me too. Sick of him when I first saw and heard his ugly mouth, years ago, but now it's different, now he's President-Elect and about to take the reins of the most powerful nation on Earth, ever. Anything is possible: he can be shackled like Obama was, or unleash a holocaust. We can only wait and quake, or whistle a happy tune. It is time to forget him in this country until he compels our attention again. The Editor solemnly undertakes that after this post his name will never pass our lips or keyboards again. Sounds like Mission Impossible, but we'll try. It's been a habit of thought for so long that it's hard to shake, even penetrating our sleep. On Friday the Editor woke at 4am, and plagued by images of President-Elect Dumpf, and, unable to return to sleep, wrote this:
So America,
a nation built on immigration, at the expense of the native population, has
elected a president who wants to reverse the process: to evict millions of
Mexicans and Latinos, and further stigmatise countless descendants of the
slaves, who were torn from Africa to labour on the plantations, in the
unwilling immigration of the slave trade. That is what we must conclude from
Trump’s stubborn refusal to repudiate the endorsement of the Ku Klux Klan: the
most violent and enduring group of terrorists ever to stain the U.S. Perhaps
other foreign nationals will be excluded: those from countries he can’t locate
on a map, whose names he can’t pronounce or simply resents. It’s a broad
canvass to paint on. And it’s a broad spectrum of prejudice he preaches:
racism, sexism, misogyny, sexual assault, anti-abortion, homophobia,
disability, anti-internationalism, pro-nationalism, tax avoidance
while cutting taxes on the rich: these are not just words, they are his deeds, a catalogue of illiberality that would verge on caricature if it were not
absolutely true. He is the liberal’s worst nightmare and is about to hold the
most powerful office in the world.
Already, a
few days on, there has been a rash of racial violence, harassment and insult to
non-white Americans all over the country. Everyday racists, flushed with the
success of their bigoted and inflammatory champion, are acting out their
favourite fantasies, encouraged by the memory of Trump’s vocal exhortations and
willingness to look the other way: and most of all, his ‘official’ permission
to do so. For now, he has acted for the media as though he were reasonable, inclusive and
presidential. But government is not a fancy dress party or even a play where
actors do not have to believe what they voice; the mask will inevitably slip,
sooner or later; perhaps when he lays the first brick in The Wall, with a
self-satisfied smirk. He told you so…
younger Trump and Klan members |
In Britain
there are parallels, except we don’t have the same amount of artillery, or the demagogues, we
just have duplicitous politicians who will back the winning horse to power. And
if that has to involve a little carefully-worded rabble-rousing that presses
the buttons marked racism, black people, ‘swamping’, unemployment, then so be
it. Our more closet British racism has had the same effect since Brexit , as in the Sttates: a huge
increase in the number of indiscriminate racial incidents, everywhere, leading
to danger, fear and insecurity in people who have been born, lived and worked
here for many years, and for whom this country is home.
In the
average Brit, these issues seem to have become confused or confounded: immigration
is understood, but how do we distinguish between legal and illegal immigration:
they both represent a desire to come here, often at great danger, to live and
work. Then there’s refugees vs economic migrants: refugees we have always
accepted because we’re a jolly tolerant country, known for it (but ‘tolerating’
implies something nasty, so that’s not a very pure sentiment). Anyway, we are
an overcrowded country, so they say we haven’t got room for many of them, any
more. Economic migrants, however, because they didn’t have to escape war or
poverty, are a less worthy kind of immigrant, being purely self-seeking, not to
say greedy to get a piece of our relative wealth. Hang on, though, some of them
have got skill-sets that we really need, so we’d better find a way of filtering
them out and letting them in the side-door. And to help make way for them we’d
better tighten up on security at ports and airports to stop more illegals
coming in, and send loudspeaker vans round areas of ethnic settlement
proclaiming the Government’s intention to root out and expel illegals, the
modern equivalent of ‘bring out your dead’.
It could
work, with a bit of help from the white population, who believe that their jobs
have been stolen from them – or are just about to be. So best encourage them to
believe that leaving Europe will stop that process. Quite a good idea, too, was
to muddy the waters to such an extent that the white person’s mental identikit
picture of an immigrant was black or brown. Long-time racists have longed for
the day when people would feel like this and support their campaign against
black people: but the Brexiteers achieved it or amplified it in the space of a
few months.
Some of the
people who may be targeted or become fearful of this are the children of the
immigration that started in 1948, with the Empire Windrush. Others fled
persecution by East African dictators like Idi Amin. Others still – and this is
the supreme irony – were ‘seduced’ by Enoch Powell when he visited the West
Indies as Minister of Health to recruit thousands of workers for the NHS – only to turn on black people ten years
later. Nothing to do with health, just his desire to surf anti-immigrant
feelings amongst the white population, all the way to Downing St. Ring a bell? He failed, of course, but his
was one of the first instances of officially legitimising racism. It continues,
and reached new heights this year, through Brexit.
Given that
many settlers came from Commonwealth nations, it is time that the Mother
Country had a visit from Social Services and the NSPCC. Abuse is rife.
President-Elect Dumpf has taken his first executive decision very early so that there will be no unnecessary delays: he has ordered for Melania two tassels, a G-string and a pole, for the Oval Office.
1) Will The Statue of Liberty be made redundant,
sacked as 'not fit for purpose', or simply
pass away from an overdose of poisonous gas in the
atmosphere? Invitations to tender have already gone out to
masons willing to insert the word 'don't' in front of her classic,
moving inscription "Send me your poor........"
2) Will The White House be renamed 'The Whites-Only House'?
3) Will the presidential limousine have a green, adhesive sun-
shield across the top of the windscreen with the words
'Melania' and The Donald' on it?
4) Will Air Force One be scrapped in favour of the bigger (and higher gold-content) Trump jet?
5) As the US becomes more isolationist, and shuns foreigners, will Camp David double as a
golf resort?
6) Will genealogists reveal Trump's origins as being an African slave family and report his
transitioning in a book entitled 'Orange is the New Black'? (see Room 101)
7) Will the Queen and Prince Philip do the decent thing and offer Barack & Michelle asylum
in Buckingham Palace, by abdicating in their favour? You know it makes sense...
“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
Humpy Dumpfy built a Great Wall
Humpy Dumpfy took a great fall
All of the bombast and all of the 'front'
Couldn't disguise the fact he's a ****.
and an ignorant, crude, racist, sexist, misogynist, sexually assaultive, anti-abortion, homophobic, pro-gun, fascistic, regressive, amoral,
lying, cheating, tax-evading, vainglorious, narcissistic and
egomaniac megalomaniac, with an explosive, unstable and
vengeful temperament....... who believes in the use of nuclear
President-Elect Dumpf has taken his first executive decision very early so that there will be no unnecessary delays: he has ordered for Melania two tassels, a G-string and a pole, for the Oval Office.
1) Will The Statue of Liberty be made redundant,
sacked as 'not fit for purpose', or simply
pass away from an overdose of poisonous gas in the
atmosphere? Invitations to tender have already gone out to
masons willing to insert the word 'don't' in front of her classic,
moving inscription "Send me your poor........"
2) Will The White House be renamed 'The Whites-Only House'?
3) Will the presidential limousine have a green, adhesive sun-
shield across the top of the windscreen with the words
'Melania' and The Donald' on it?
4) Will Air Force One be scrapped in favour of the bigger (and higher gold-content) Trump jet?
5) As the US becomes more isolationist, and shuns foreigners, will Camp David double as a
golf resort?
6) Will genealogists reveal Trump's origins as being an African slave family and report his
transitioning in a book entitled 'Orange is the New Black'? (see Room 101)
7) Will the Queen and Prince Philip do the decent thing and offer Barack & Michelle asylum
in Buckingham Palace, by abdicating in their favour? You know it makes sense...
“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”
"And when you're a star you can do anything...they let you do anything....grab them by the pussy"
Let us hope Mr Tup never gets 'his girls' confused.
There is no choice, no contest: we have to dispatch The Trump Genes to Room 101
(for justification, see the foregoing)
QED, 'nuff said.
Something has been lost sight of in all the discussion of Trump and the election. It is hardly worth re-stating that he is an odious individual in any number of ways ("but it's a high number, it's one of the best numbers, it's a great number, believe me") . What has received far less coverage is his illegal and barely legal behaviour. Presumably this is because people and papers fear being sued or persecuted by a man of immense wealth, who can hire the best counsel. Which is precisely the point: he is able to buy power and influence within the legal system just as he has done in the electoral system.
USA TODAY published a remarkable statistic: Over his business life Trump has been involved in over 3500 court proceedings, being sued for malpractice or suing others for money they owe him, and doubtless other offences as well. OK, he's probably a past master at buying off the opposition, hostile witnesses, maybe even juries. Yet if anything, he manages to turn this to his advantage, in his image of the tough-talking, hard-dealing business superbrain.
Violent, abusive criminality is something else. Trump has cases pending, of which we have heard very little. One is said to be sexual assault against a minor, the other racketeering. Given his own testimony on how to sexually assault women, we can assume that it may not be too hard to persuade a jury of his guilt on the first charge. He could go to jail, he could be impeached, almost before he is inaugurated. Or will America be unable to face the spectacle - once again - of its Commander in Chief, humiliated in the eyes of the world, because he lost control of his zip and his senses, and find a formula to bury the charges? Not for nothing is Trump making the appointment of a Republican judge to the Supreme Court (tipping the balance away from the Democrats) a top priority. It would be interesting to know exactly when he decided to run for President in relation to when he was arrested for these crimes, which, if proven, could ruin him.
I rest my case.
The Post - not the Human Race - although...... |
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